JQC Blender addon
Constrain a bone or a set of bones in one click from the automatically generated quick buttons. This Blender addon creates quick UI panels based on your JSON presets

Draugr - The Fool
The showcase for the 2HM moveset of Draugr MCO-DXP : The Fool

Halo Combat De-evolved
A 3D animated short made for the Rokoko TV 2024 challenge

When a console is announced
A short made in a single day

Will Starfield be empty ?
My second short made in the anticipation of the Starfield release

Apple Vision Pro is expensive
My first short made in Blender featuring the first appearance of Botstar

The predator
A lighting exercise with your favorite alien

The mighty troll
Menacing trolls, hairy trolls and armored trolls

Little piece of paradise
A 3D render Made for Mykol’s Discord server november 2022 weekly challenge

La Razielle
Remaking Dofus in 3D using Blender

The heart of the mountain
Making landscapes in 3D using Blender

The view from the High Hrothgar
Remaking Skyrim in 3D using Blender